Beyond Accreditation: How laboratories can utilise proficiency testing reports to optimise performance.
When a laboratory regularly participates in a PT scheme they not only have confidence in the results that are produced but become privy to a huge range of advantageous insights that go beyond just accreditation. Extended benefits of PT participation can include early warning risk management, identifying education and training requirements within the team, and verification of methods and instrumentation.
The data is just as important as the proficiency test itself, and your PT reports are your gateway to making the most of your PT investment. The AXIO Proficiency Testing online data management system, PORTAL, is designed to deliver these benefits and we’ll cover how to make the most of your reporting in this webinar.
AXIO Proficiency Testing has recently expanded its clinical offering to over 130 clinical programmes and now is the perfect time to invite both new and existing members of our global laboratory network to understand how they can meaningfully interpret their PT data to deliver actionable results.