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  Biotoxins and Mycotoxins - ADME / PharmaTox
Toronto Research Chemicals
  Dear Researcher,
Biotoxins, including mycotoxins, phycotoxins and phytotoxins, present a significant concern to the worldwide economy and general health. Unlike most other biohazards, biotoxins do not replicate and, in certain respects, are similar to classic organic chemicals. TRC offers a large selection of standards, labeled isotopes, metabolites & impurities to aid your biotoxin screening, analysis & research.
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  Please contact us with further questions or product suggestions for other areas of interest to feature, if you can't find what you are looking for.  
  Marine Biotoxins
Domoic Acid
Catalog No: D531300
  EU regulated marine toxin, a kainate receptor agonist responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning
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Catalog No: L487860
  Cyanotoxin produced by cyanobacteria anabaena sp. It acts as a tumor promoter.
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Catalog No: P206500
  An inhibitor of protein prenylation;​ induces genotoxicity and modulation of glutathione in Hep G2 cells​
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Ophiobolin B
Catalog No: O669205
  An inhibitor of calmodulin action in calcium regulation; exhibits antibacterial and antitumor activities
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  Secondary Fungal Metabolites
Catalog No: C989185
  A secondary fungal metabolite and dyestuff intermediate
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